Best Practices

  • Property owners and residents are encouraged to call the GHAD at any time they have concerns about the stability of the slopes on or near their property. The GHAD is also available to answer questions that relate to geologic hazards, including drainage issues.

  • GHAD services are funded exclusively by property taxes. The homeowners pay no additional fees for GHAD services. Services are restricted to those authorities expressed in the GHAD governing documents.

  • No, the GHAD is completely independent of any private entity, including Homeowners or Property Owners Associations.

  • The GHAD is a state authorized independent agency, separate from the County and any other local authority. The GHAD is governed by its Board of Directors.

Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts (GHADs) were authorized by the State of California under the provisions of the 1979 Beverly Act (California Public Resources Code 26500- 26601). The purpose of a GHAD is to provide an ongoing resource for managing geologic hazards that pose a threat to properties within the boundaries of the GHAD. Landslides are the most common identified geologic hazard leading to the formation of a GHAD, although any geologic hazard may be considered. GHADs operate under a Plan of Control which defines the specific geologic hazard covered and describes the GHAD’s authority and limitations. The first GHAD was created in 1981 to finance the geologic investigation and mitigation of the Abalone Cove Landslide in Palos Verdes, California, located just south of Los Angeles. Since then, over 50 GHADs have been organized in California.

Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts (GHAD)